All participants are accommodated in double rooms in the student dormitory Hanka, Al. Niepodległości 26 St. (the cost of accommodation is included in the fee).

Participants can also choose to live in single rooms, for extra 95 EUR. However, the number of single rooms is limited. Accommodation in such rooms is possible upon prior reservation made on registration form (on „first come, first served” basis); upon arrival - only if available.

If any participant prefers to arrange accommodation on their own the fee is 600 EUR and covers only teaching. In this case the costs of accommodation, meals and trips outside Poznań have to be covered by student him/herself.

„I think that the Summer School of Polish Language and Culture in Poznań was an amazing unforgetable adventure! I hope to be back here someday.”



A university cafeteria will provide three meals a day (the cost is included in the fee). Special dietary arrangements are possible for vegetarians.